Thursday, August 27, 2009

טושיבה 43d8uxe

Holiday Season

Over the next four months will be hot. In the last quarter of this year, announced the same hits. No wonder that many producers decided to postpone the release date for the year 2010 because this year they would be no chance for a good sell. There is no such option for me ograł all titles, but I'll try to check the hottest. Anyway, in September, Prime Minister ODST, which, thanks to multi, steal me a very, very long time. Okay, time for particulars.

Must Have:

Halo 3: ODST - the game has already ordered;). Multi will mow, Firefight is divine. For several days I would urge all the friends that bought ODST because the game is really worth its price.

Assassin's Creed 2 - the second most anticipated game by me. Altair goes to rest, coming Auditore Ezio di Firenze. More varied gameplay, beautiful Art, Italian climate.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - admit that the number one pograłem just a little bit and on a PC. Two missions and already fell in love with this game. Two will be even better, as it can be concluded after the materials and information that was available to us. Infinity Ward back in style? For sure.

can pile:

Dragon Age: Origins - with the announcement that it's pretty decent RPG. However, only a decent ...

Brutal Legend - I like the genre, which presents tacy artyści jak Jack Black, Ozzy Osbourne, czy Motorhead. Ale muzyka to za mało, a tylko tym ta produkcja mnie kusi.

Need For Speed: SHIFT – zrzynka, ale bardzo udana zrzynka. Pewnie kupię, ale jakiś czas po premierze.

Lista krótka, bo i fundusze, i czas będę miał dość ograniczony. Halo 3: ODST konkretnie pozamiata mną w multi, MW2 pewnie trochę mniej, a nowego Asasyna po prostu trzeba przetestować

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Webkinz How To Make Sarong

New Template!

Postanowiłem wrzucić na mojego bloga nowy szablon. Prezentuje się on o niebo lepiej od poprzedniego i prędko go nie zmienię. Theme nie został stworzony przeze mnie, gdyż my last attempt to create a template, encode it, etc., took place two years ago. Trochępoćwiczę, I remember a little bit and maybe half a year puts a new template that will be 100% my creation. Meanwhile, "Masinpop" will serve me for at least a few months.