Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gym Leotard New York City

Queen is the only one!

More than two years after the publication of the last studio album "PLAY" Namie Amuro prepares fans Christmas gift in the form of 9 in its achievements album, "Future Past". New material will be available from 16 December in two versions: CD and CD + DVD. The DVD will up until 6 music videos!.

Her most recent compilation of "Best Fiction" was a great commercial success (1.7 million albums sold) The artist says that releasing a greatest hits album she wanted to close another period in his work. Now is the time for new music, new spojżenie your style, fashion and culture. Music videos promoting the album appear in the media gradually. With the first wave of media promotion made available to "Fast Car" and "Meaning of Us" and 4 December, MTV premiered Punk's "LOVE GAME".

"Future Past"

Avex Trax

04.Bad Habit
05. Steal my Night
09. Shut Up
11.The Meaning Of Us
12. Defend Love

04.The Meaning Of Us
06th Defend Love

In April 2010, is to begin a concert tour promoting the new album Namie. So far 73 are designated tour dates.

Word Frequency Diagram

FIFA 10 - Best AI ever

FIFA 10 - a game that I had stolen more than 30 hours of life. The game can pull, "just a meczyk" turns into several hours session. Almost every game has flaws. Minor defects, larger defects, never mind. The disadvantage of the FIFA series of games (including the latest) is undoubtedly the weak AI, which I managed to capture the following material.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Salutatory Address - Elementary 2010

China - Japan Vladimir Wowczuka

difficult to explain what it really is this book. It is not a typical or an essay or develop a popular science. Rather, he combined the two genres and it just gave a bit of his knowledge of two great countries of the Orient .

book is divided into two equal parts devoted to the two countries, and its motto, it seems, is the creator thought Kuomintang party, which ruled China before the war, and now has its headquarters Taiwan, Sun Yat-sen:

"Japan and China are linked to each other, and their existence, or failure, their safety and fears - are mutually conditioned. There will be no Japanese, no I will stay in China, do not I will stay in China, will not be Japan. "

I write" apparently "because I have very big doubts as to how to receive this position, and whether those words, repeated at both the beginning and at the end of the book reflect what he wanted to prove that the forward Vladimir Wowczuk. Not at all not because the book is poorly written, or give false facts. What, you do not. The author has a really good pen, but he created the text seems to be just a bit terse. One might say that that's a clear case. Ultimately discussed item counts 200 pages, and about China and Japan can write thousands and millions of pages, even while he had not yet released to face these exotic countries. That's true. Also realizes that this is a shortcut, however, reading this book, I had the impression that I quoted a sentence that is likely motivated by the author, has been proved, nor that anything has been proved. Oh, just read it as a tale of different różnościach there, focused primarily on the story. It's just that the tale fairly closely, discussing historical period by period, so a bit similar to the handbook history, particularly recent. However, as the book, too few specifics, and how to chat, too few interesting facts and personal outlook. Hence I got the impression that this is a few words from a man who knows a lot, but he threw only a trifle too coordinated information. Really is not about a small volume of the book, but rather, at least so I consider some information chaos. Just a little fact somehow connected, and of so many. The book I was struck by just such a laconic, although it can of course be found beads, which goes to the heart of the reader. For example, the very customs was the following passage:

"Outstanding japonista, the first postwar U.S. ambassador to Japan, O. Reischauer - the man who tearfully begged the U.S. Army staff officers to avoid dropping the second atomic bomb on Kyoto, which has a Japanese wife; that half of his extraordinary life spent in Japan, says: "If after 20 years of residence in Japan you stop whatever you understand - you are on track to get to know this country."

Also it should be noted that the author tried, successfully, moreover, emphasize mutual distrust and even contempt, fed by both parties in relation to each other, but above all, if you look at the history of both nations, by the Chinese against the Japanese. Additionally, when Japan after the Revolution Mejia entered the mainland policy of expansion, has come hatred, contempt and even increased. The Japanese, according to the Chinese:

"... China took everything: philosophy, moral system, culture and art, and finally a letter ... and then attacked and burned the house of his Master."

case, it seems Of course, much more complicated, especially in the mouth of the nation, who called the Japanese "People Wo", or "niskokłaniającymi the dwarfs," and he regarded as barbarians (as indeed all non-Chinese). Well, yet? Another factor raised by author is a difference in the openness of the nations. Chinese disdain for the other converting the belief that they are self-sufficient in every respect, while the Japanese have belonged and belong to the people are very curious and fascinated by other cultures. Anyway, if you look at any of the Japanese tour, it shows how they are emotionally and historical curiosities by each country visited. They are also willing to adopt foreign standards, see comments Wowczuka of westernization, but transform them in accordance with their customs.

As for the accuracy of the information presented here, other than trivial ones, can not be accused of anything. These are minor issues such as naming Hideyoshi on page 10 of shogun, while on page 131 Wowczuk writes that he could not get the title because of too low origin. Page 69 of the reports that the winner of the Port Arthur General legs, by the way, although the hero of Japan, is a leader rather weak, prefer a frontal attack at which a lot of soldiers were killed, committed suicide after the death of his father Emperor Hirohito. Not his father but his grandfather, should appear in the text. However, this can be forgiven, though of course every author is responsible for the accuracy of the data. However, what really upset me, it is catching up here and there in the eyes of a typo. Of course, this is a matter of publishing wizard IW, and Mrs. Elizabeth korektorki Słupsk, and not the author, however, the person responsible for preparation for printing can really do a better job. At the same time emphasize that my interest consist mainly of Japan and I'm not able to assess the accuracy of the section on China.

Readers of this review will surely perceive my ambiguous attitude towards the book Wowczuka. That is the reality: the one hand, the facts and a good pen, the other a brevity of content. For whom so this is a book? Well, in my opinion: it can successfully read each. An interest in the Orient, but which is just beginning to learn, however, will benefit the most, because in a way that will receive a condensed image of the two largest Far Eastern countries and their bilateral policies. On the other hand, someone who already has more knowledge, and China and Japan engaged in for years, you may feel slightly disappointed, but, probably, like me, find some new things. So you can safely reach for this position, especially because the relationship of China and Japan are not only a matter of international diplomacy, but it exerted a huge influence on the interior of both countries: their culture, art, philosophy. Finally, information, applications will also receive those puzzling over the rapid development of countries nadpacyficznych. Although you can not agree with some comments, and requests the author, however, they tend to think and analyze the situation, and any book that encourages its readers to seek knowledge and discover the reality, carries with it something very positive.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Is The Best Foundation Brush?

clock hard deducted

There's nothing like bad luck all day,
All plans are posrały.
What I try, it collapses.
Why, it is the vision of three mountaineers: The first
From time immemorial,
says that legal rule
shit is worth to people. Through her
even dirty water.
known since the dawn of
League Enslaved Gay,
odds with the Highlanders second
That stretch of rain up stream.
destroy villages and small towns,
sneak grandmothers cake. So that militaryzują
That pretty foul plan plotting;
kill all niedojebów
From Chicago down to Thebes. The third climber
it says:
"zjeby, pull out your swords!"
As befits the zjebów so, each in the head
se pieprznął burn,
threw on attackers,
None of them had no resistance.
As it turned out,
After this blow to the head burn,
All zjeby
had a vision about the true Czech breeze.
And at that time streams of rain washed away three
Highland bards.
Now nobody will advise them not,
guess, to use the strokes.
Spatula in hand, riding on the rain! And here
bam! Mazda pulls up! Four
drechów it crawls, pulls up
Soon jeszce swab,
So with dresami are and skinheads. Does anyone
kminie this story?
is terribly chaotic! It's like today
invent surrey.
But as someone speaks the brain,
It will bezmózgim woe!
brain is a great power,
Where the extent of its reach, will
chwacko, rozkminowo. Because
how to write, it is also the head.
no challah every clear away, no
lufki what sunbathe.
But the rain did not steal the dough,
Because it is two different cities! Replace the inner tube
tire wash windows
Caressing stool, drawers bite,
races among the plants,
After This is also a horse man! Fish Eye
use! But kayaking is
Such hard and kajaczny.
I shoot in the foot with a bow,
neck blouses with an ankle with the pavement.
Whoa, whoa, the subject of luck!
przychopatem I am not!
Well I know what I'm writing. Someone
poskręcał in the bubble film.
Because this was bad luck for zjebów,
need to dump all of the bridge.
Chicken, a little headache,
But it still does not matter, just so
apap sip,
ends up with someone styknąć,
knock glass stone great
house built on one beam,
I live there with his family.
Lubricate the bacon,
To wolves flew, To lard
licked. In this way Rome

not attempt to build a chicken to hide czpki.

Was Ist Eine Gute Gay Furry Seite

sight impaired Egyptian hammer handle

mist outside the window, fly list,
Well just horny!
need to cheer up somehow,
with mud, the shit to emerge,
To start your day happy.
be at home, instead of to school,
zapierdalać yourself in the morning, Meet
gnome, or a pitcher, who will
talking in a circle,
How it cool and fun.
a little hard not to piss off. You
walls, tearing down trees!
But the guy is annoying,
He threw me three nettle.
I threw in the hat, I
He jebnął heavy foot. Soon
grabbed a piece of horseradish,
I sent it to the States. After a month sent
He says to me: "I am Kali." Something does not pykło
probably in my head, I
Horseradish yet say nothing!
bubbles after burning nettles,
Someone pours milk on the snout,
At the same time I was awake,
bit of me gown dirty.
But everything works cool. Some
Kamra I recorded, filmed the movie Buddy
On jutube wpierdolili.
billion people out of me belches,
How horseradish with a flourish in the face pour.
How rubbed up weeds,
As I milk stain clothes. Because my colleagues
yet they washed me in the laundry. But
chujom rumble will cause it, when
dirt from her face that peels,
for this product as I gave.
Something I dolali beer,
A acted as a drill,
brain I sailed a barge.
Chills ran up to the guczo. Everywhere was
slept after four days, I dreamed
dogs nieroby,
visited wild country,
Zapijałem vodka liqueur, and the rainbow
with a twisted whip in the feces.
don't-I still dream, the same soap
Mylo himself.
Today I'm pretty healthy. Only
cables protrude from the head
After the successful operation
You do not see any spaces.
ciurkiem Everything is written, As
ciurkiem urinate on the wall.
caissons have a theme,
say That the great crap.
Nothing is as it were,
Since my brain disappeared.
spend nights on the carpet
I entertain at the tap.
I see different beads,
and eats all the contacts.
say that I am concrete scorch,
Com on warm pavement rypał,
Because I thought it was a hen,
And this brother was leather.
he poured me for this shockingly.
Whore! Just in dzrzewo jebnę!
I'm going on a bike! Branch
me on the snout feathers!
Ouch! It hurts! Ouch! Tweaks!
Someone throws something on your head!
It's already winter, I'm at school, dirty socks
not leave the barn.

Custom Military Cake Topper

Zdaada the stroma gaenzio

[Nie jest to nasz klasyczny Wiersz, {to} w ogółem never jest Wiersz
postanowiliśmy stworzyć Coś innego, tak dla
odmiany jaj i]

Naokoo yezioa Osno yaboonie.
Maek they poożył na gaenzi.
Koo koo kooowe gaenzi wyożyo it.
Pod stodoo staa Kaolina.
Maaka zauważyo oko jo, baadzo oboyetno.
Kaolina zoaczyła Maaka they zaśmiaa i, i obryzaa paznokci łokci Thurs.
Pobiegaa Thurs gaenzi, a tu yuz Maaka never byo.
jam za nio.
Przypaentau they ukasz.
Kaolina hihotaa, jo bo Maek caowau w ono.
ukasz wyjo baaajke i zaczo seenade.
Kaolina stuknea Ukasza w czoo, Maakowi byo wesoo.
Kaolina zapakaa because Maek walno Luke recom. Luke
zawoau swoego Koege reef and koeżanke Ucje. We
Troe zoili Maaka and kaolin.
Poai their smoo and podpaii.
Poicya their odor, like the goo paii zioo.