Monday, March 15, 2010

Punishment In The Movies

II Bible Week in the Roman Catholic Church in Poland Spring Days

According to a previous decision of the Polish Episcopal Conference, the last year, third Sunday of Easter is celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church in Poland, as the Bible and the Sunday one week after the following, as the Bible Week.
year's Second Sunday Bible Week Bible Study and II fall into days of April and from 1918 to 1924 will be celebrated under the slogan "Let us look at Jesus - compassionate and trustworthy high priest" .

Detailed information about Bible Week and how to obtain materials to assist in its preparation can be found on page Works Bible to them. John Paul II.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Salutatory Address - Elementary


In year celebration of the priesthood in the Church , Institute of Biblical Studies at the Catholic University of Lublin John Paul II and the work of Bible organize Spring Days B iblijne devoted to the Biblical concept of the priesthood. Scientific deliberations under the slogan: From Melchizedek to Jesus - High Priest. The Bible of the priesthood will take place in the auditorium of Stephen K ard ynała Wyszynski, Al. Racławickie 14 in Lublin between 24-25 March 2010.

A detailed program of the symposium can be read here .