Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kate Playground Mistress

Bible - Lectio divina

After two weeks provided the technical and logistical reasons, we sincerely apologize for our blog group Bible - Lectio divina starts work tomorrow again. You are welcome to use the materials published there, biblical reflection in the group.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Russian Models Vlad Ru

ecumenical translation of the Old Testament Bible

accordance with the decision of the Bureau Polish Ecumenical Council, the victims gathered at the church services the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Churches States, 2011 in PRE to be used to support a project of the ecumenical translation of the Old Testament.

This project, run by the Bible Society in Poland, is unique not only in our country but also globally. It does not happen often in fact that the translation of the Bible signed by eleven churches of different Christian traditions, and worked on the translation of the Bible as a large community of translators and editors of different faiths.
Read more here: Polish Council for Ecumenism

Monday, January 3, 2011

Shoulder Operation ; Rotar

MP3 files

Zagonionym and busy, unable to do find the time to read Scripture, look to the Bible ... listen. Millennium Bible in audio version (MP3 format) can be found here: Bible in MP3 files

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wordings About Cricket

Calendar SVD Biblical Apostolate 2011

wish to inform that the website Biblical Apostolate SVD - - was published calendar of retreats and catechesis vigils scheduled for the Biblical Apostolate of SVD in 2011. I invite you to familiarize yourself with a calendar and to participate in meetings organized by us.

Dunking Tank Build Plan

God's Blessings in the New Year

Dear Friends, because of the failure of the Internet two weeks in our Mission House in Nysa, I could not with Christmas wishes. But it is not too late for New Year's greetings.
I wish you God's blessing and life-giving immersion in the Word of the Lord for each day of the New, 2011.
bless God!