Japanese police announced that it has confirmed the deaths of more than three thousand people. Unofficially, it is estimated that the death toll could be as high as 10,000. In the Fukushima nuclear power plant is still going efforts to cool the core of one of the reactors - the interior of the sea water is pumped. In turn, the Tokai plant is not running one of the cooling systems, but the remaining work.
18.59 the south-western Japan, come reports that the local volcano throws Shinmoedake stones in the air and a cloud of dust. 1420 meters high on the volcano is located about a thousand kilometers away from the area covered by the earth quake on Friday. A cloud of dust reaches 4,000 meters.
18.49 spokesman Japan Atomic Power Company said that one of the pumps in the cooling plant in Tokai has stopped working due to Tsunami. - We had to manually stop one of our cooling systems, but the other pumps and other systems work well, and the temperature in the reactor drops more smoothly - Masao Nakano said in an interview with AFP.
17.42 Worldwide aid flows to Japan. Even the Afghan city of Kandahar are joined - the mayor announced that $ 50,000 is earmarked for "brothers and sisters" in Japan. - I know that $ 50,000 is not a lot of money for a country like Japan, but this way we show our support - Ghulam Haidar, told Reuters Hamidi.
17.20 the Tokai nuclear power station ceased to operate the pump supplying coolant to the reactor - the agency Kyodo reported. Fitness is automatically turned off after Friday's earthquake.
16.40 officially confirmed number of victims has already exceeded three thousand Japanese police said. Process is still ongoing emergency cooling of the reactor No. 3 nuclear power plant in Fukushima first Proactively work began on a similar solution for the reactor No. 2 Experts interpreter that pumping salt water into the reactor is a measure of last resort. Then will no longer be suitable for use.
15.20 Japanese authorities informed the International Energy Agency Atomic, that a state of emergency in the nuclear power plant in Onagawa. Alarm has the lowest rank possible. Proclaimed because of higher than normal radiation levels around the plant.
15.10 Sea water is pumped to the No. 3 reactor at Fukushima nuclear power plant to cool the core. According to authorities, the peaks of fuel rods are located three meters above the surface of the water in the reactor when it should be covered. Fuel rods can be deformed due to overheating.
authorities warn że w budynku reaktora może dojść do eksplozji nagromadzonego wodoru z uszkodzonego systemu chłodzącego. Podobny wybuch zniszczył budynek reaktora nr 1 w sobotę.
15:05 Ambasador Polski w Japonii Mirosław Zasada chwalił w TVN24 organizację japońskich służb ratowniczych. - W wielu miejscach w rejonie gdzie uderzyło tsunami nie ma dróg, więc ludzie są odcięci i tam rzeczywiście nie ma niczego. Ale w miastach nie ma paniki w sklepach. Wszystko działa. Przy takiej skali efekt tej pomocy do wszystkich nie dotrze, ale system organizacji tej pomocy i współpracy między służbami a ludźmi to coś, czego powinien to learn each country-he stated
15.00 From Friday's disaster, has already recorded 250 aftershocks. Six of them had the strength of more than six degrees Richter, gives the U.S. Geological Survey.
13:55 no contact with 10 thousand inhabitants in the prefecture of Miyagi Higashimatsushima - Kyodo agency said.
13:54 Japanese company Tokyo Electric Power, which operates power plants, Fukushima is preparing to introduce seawater into the reactor No. 2, to make it cool - the agency Jiji reported citing a company representative.
13:23 group of 15 rescuers from China, with four tonnes of equipment arrived in Japan.
13:04 Benedict XVI prayed at a meeting with the faithful for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The Pope added comfort the afflicted and rescuers, carrying aid. He also expressed appreciation for the courage of the Japanese
12:50 planned power outages will continue until the end of April - said the company Tokyo Electric Power, which operates power plants Fukushima.
12:17 As planned interruptions in power supply will be followed by region by region. Interruption of supplies to the various regions will last 3 hours - said TEPCO, the company managing Fukushima nuclear power.
12:09 80 000 people will be evacuated from the area near the plant Fukushima - have given local authorities.