ideal woman, but with a sticky plastic Fembot, a female robot. Like anything in today wprawiałoby stupor, but ... A Japanese man sacrificed for him, or rather for her, everything. His strength, time and money. The result? Figure twenties, faithful kompanka, dart accounting and talkative lady. So it seems behaves Aiko constructed by him. The problem is one: he can not cook.
Construction "fembotki" Aiko cost more than $ 20,000, which for its "creator" would mean taking out your credit cards and in all your friends. Le Trung now looking for a sponsor, which would help improve his life's work.
Aiko now able to recognize faces, to speak in two languages \u200b\u200b(English and Japanese) and keep the books. In the future, if funds permit, has yet to brew coffee and tea, and do eggs and bacon.
Ideal and niedotykalska
- Aiko is the result of a combination of beauty and technology. I wanted to look like a man, because I spend much time with her. It helps me pick something for dinner, knows what I like to drink. "Constantly talking with her all the time I learn something new" - praises his " fembotkę Designers.
According to Le Trung, all these features and the fact that Aiko can work around the clock, making it an ideal woman. It was so built, it feels even touch. Moreover, the distinction between pressure and know when someone grabs her too much or ... in places where it should not.