Monday, December 22, 2008

Knex Swing Instructions

anti-stress therapy: throw a plate

How best to de-stress and forget about your problems? Japan - known for their precursory ideas, found a way. Throw to the plate. In one of the districts of Tokyo stood a specially designed vehicle in which everyone can give vent to his emotions.

To a new form of "therapy" did not escape the mind of the crowd, head of the anti-stress design Katsuya Hara calls the passers-by tried to de-stress

How breakage, so you pay

How expensive is this pleasure? There is no price for the session. The amount depends on the amount of blood that can be destroyed by the frustration. For a small cup of pay 200 yen (about 2.2 U.S. dollar), but the destruction of large plates can cost up to a thousand yen (11 dollars).

eager for a new form of therapy is missing. What do they think about the destruction of the blood as a form of abreaction of stress? - Life is rather complicated and a lot of things causes problems. It restored my good mood - said Masaki Ogawara, who threw more than one cup and saucer.

This view was an IT consultant Shigeo Sasaki. - Wherever there is a recession. All the talk about recession. In my work the same. I felt stifled and was looking for a way to release. I was lucky that I passed through here - powiedział.

Naukowo potwierdzone  

Katsuya Hara przekonuje, że rzucanie naczyniami jest udowodnioną naukowo formą terapii, która powoli zdobywa uznanie na całym świecie. - Rozbicie czegoś - jak każdy wie ze swojego doświadczenia, jest czymś niezwykle radosnym i pomaga zniwelować poziom złości - powiedział.

Dodał, że większość z jego klientów to biznesmeni - zarówno kobiety, jak i mężczyźni, którzy cierpią z powodu kryzysu finansowego. - Mamy nadzieję, że nasz pomysł stanie się for business the new way of eliminating stress - he says.

all those who are wondering what happens to the stłuczonymi dishes, Hara calms down and says it will be recycled and once again serve as subjects for odstresowania.


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