Thursday, October 22, 2009

Archery 32 Long Stabilizers

yellowing skin briefly

Like sometimes steal your ride,
with a nice chick to fall, Rob
a cottage, to behave as
I be the best in the world, something
surf the net. Have a jar
I cookie box. Pigs
I happen to be,
About heinous things to dream.
not give way to the bus,
Banging granny, not wnusie,
Chairs orbitkami stick,
hectare field at the moment! pielać. Suddenly
head opens,
Whore mother! Holy shit!
Sory for this outburst of anger, but in the throat
face bones
How can you eat fish without horror
When you fish batoży throat, I prefer the vinegar
I indent herring, herring
But nima whore!
Nothing in the fridge, the same gaps,
Only butter and sugar! Beetroot
prepare for this!
I spit in the garage in the net! Egg
skroję beautifully in the ankle,
Though it will be my egg, shaking
sacrifice themselves for the grub,
And even self-denial,
speak up for their - healthy,
Better this than to kill a cow, Or
spotted, or baboon,
better listen Boten Ana.
cut through on an empty stomach, Perz
among flower beds. How it tastes
head shark?
How not to drink in the morning the wedge?
Take the answer to the questions
From thinking bubble swells.
The wise men are needed, not just any
fucked. You wield
chwacko word
Thoughts nuclear strike!
When someone tries to push you to the shaft,
Throw feces on his face.
shoe guy then finish with mud, his snout
Pocharastaj cat
I just go out there, I
no rhyme, intercede - come on,
Okay so after you finish malu,
Because I have ears full of feces,
Wise words here did not die ,
All the faces have faded.
So in the end we have a phrase:
Take the hoe, dig the beach, will have a good


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