notoriously foul seal weighed
Let start The day will finish, the nos se
zajebał feta,
se betrayed the ass coke,
Pocisnąłem in botox eyebrows.
I'm ready for the reunion, with my lady
First I have to buy lube,
stage fright, nerves ukatrupić. So
se łyknę of piersióweczki,
Zapaskudzę three handkerchiefs,
I already emptied arms
I already inflected aroma
I go to her house first. She
to me: "Whats up Viper!"
Me: "Hi Misia99!
Oops! What a nice dresser! "Miska
to me:" You are so ...
Other than all the boots.
U see girls dresser.
look at me and did not mock,
Takis And in a nice,
Wad unless you do not have any!
Cho, go to the firehouse! Let 's get
alcohol and awnings.
Zajdźmy even after Elżbietkę. "
" After the cunt and the coquette?
again will let you
convince me that its so bad.
, I fuck this sister
Bloodlines are out of focus here.
better let us go after Halyna,
let his girlfriend take "
Hall lives in an old tank.
Bear said, "Oz you stud!
Want to see how lick!
to the firehouse! Go! Swiftly!
must be there to the west,
And we do not have a car,
And your old mare
kilców not spin as much!
must call for taksówę,
here because we fucked! "I took
coma, push the number
I podżuwam Boomer gum.
In słuchaweczce: "Taxi, I listen to?"
"Do not say I listen, because you zrucham"
Taksiarz pissed at this talk, I blurted
my mother,
"Your trying to Kopar!"
"And your old her fires! "
" Dick your eyes! Do not arrive! "
" I fuck, I end up with a reptile! "
he spat to the handset.
saw a cow with mud.
"See Bear, we have transportation!"
"Why, this is my POSR"
"Okay, it's hard, let it loose, I'll take your old
barely moving, but in front!" Because
worth the trouble for the party .
So we go down the street
the hen party, with great chcicą. Before the morning zdążym
But the morning is like a root.
steel in the ground we shall be rooted to the ground, because we
w czarnej rzyci!
Ani śladu po imprezie!
Jakiś koleś do nas lezie.
„Wy z kartofla ujebani!?
Czy nasrane macie w bani?
Dyskoteka jutro bedzie!
Czy ktoś w grupce tej prym wiedzie?”
Wnet ja głowę opuściłem,
Bo to ja tym głównym byłem.
W sataniście każdym drzemie
Skamieniały słój po dżemie.
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