Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Secret Should Men Hide From Their Wife

of stretcher gypsum chachmęci greatly. Mumps

adolescents with early morning low
Upierdalać krabom feet. And reap
flag in the wind, Hold
snout on the glass in the subway.
Począteczek today is unprecedented, creeping
crushed under the rocks,
I'm starting to sense write
A sense of me says disa!
flew with a roar of tears, he cries
Baran, a crow caw,
And I massacre in a quiet voice,
Because clogged up with coconut. Someone

Meanwhile on the pole in the dead body seals spit.
mother shed a tear seals,
In the cold depths of the ocean swim
be unhappy.
Such a situation curve!
At about pandas, those from Asia,
in his head than an ounce of imagination;
Podjebały monkey leaves! A
had bunches of bananas! But they
: "Nooo! Bad!" This is pandziunie
unruly! However
monkeys are resourceful,
How wykminią something, I drop. Another issue is
with elks,
Elks kminie porożami.
So as you meet a moose in the house
not draw the juice of the maple
Give him a beer and champagne,
the moment fall to their knees. And how maple
sleep notch
In the mouth it will be sticky,
Drops in fury, will romp.
Moose that's burly weight!
is only one way: The head
zapierdolić him from the rail! Salmon
hand, is cool animal,
Everything done in good faith,
However, one has a negative: The Kodak
wears a tripod, camera
While there, he wears
three oxen.
Steers is yet to!
on all fours with ruchają!
Kuca one, squats the second,
bent frames,
pine needles fall off,
Both the descent, the power of pleasure exploded
All this frightens squirrels.
Wiewióreczka bad chick,
Its tail acts like a girdle.
A termite, cunning beggars,
eat tree for lunch! Yet it is cwańszy
Fucking in the ass peg
napierdalamy until head hurts!
wpierdala until I will! Running
fucking shoot in the head, skull
share his scythe. Brain
wysprejować wall
do with his ass bodies. We finish off
snout smear him with nettles.
Burn, osrać, swept,
leave early, no longer fly.
Something else pissed off in the forest:
It is without a turtle!
She is so funny blows. It would be so
forest at night
This pair of turtles hear.
To enter quietly in their seclusion, their record
sex on camera.
end coincided with the mackerel: Mackerel
is good, healthy fish from the Forest


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