Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feeding Amounts For Corn Snakes

"zjeby part. I" that epic of time to start.


flamboyant in the morning dew. The biology will
In the evening the moon wreaks splendor
Someone praises new helmet.
months behind the clouds at night, I
Snow creaks under my feet.
Frost penetrates into my thoughts,
speaks of those who have already pryśli.
Long ago, the plain
I ate curry with veal. The horror broke
wreaking havoc, fear
poured ink on paper. The farmstead rechotało

rotten Irishman body. Shivers
back my furrowed,
Wolves howled just beyond the forest. The corpse began to smell
slightly. In the distance, ruined
I followed in her direction
To find some hope.
go through quite a mist
is a challenge, this woe
know who drowned anger.
survive this, which will preserve
cool, 'Cause the Devil's power is extremely
United. You're done poorly in hell brother.
Run away, run away, because it could be worse!
Hurry up, come on, I lurid dream nightmare!
River had long been below the horizon,
nearby houses with cracked shingles. From the windows zerkają
eyes shiny.
sun rises, but occur
Bo red like a soup spilled, like in a slaughterhouse
blood bathed the walls.
'm going still, for fear of not considering
And from himself to explaining
I'm fighting with my second sight.
His failures no longer count.
target in the distance I walk.
Some light, small head
emerge from the black abyss.
I have a mission, so I do not fear otumani.
eventually destroy them that all the incense.
Evil can not govern the authority. Objective
sanctify all means;
zjebów crush the embryos. I have a generous inventory
four boards of the five coffins.
Each of them has the power przeczarną:
Husqvarnom do not give up.
boards of the coffins are: Einstein,
Pythagoras, Socrates - but this poor,
Romeo and Juliet to be fourth,
zjebom Cause love is hair bristles.
I still have the trolley wheel from Hawking
and Spalding ball from Yao Ming.
Grand Order of facing my eyes.
it myself, whore, destroy, though it is huge!
knock on the door politely, calling bell, I hear the grinding gears
, from fear to defend.
Gates open Before me stand
zjeby wielgachne. In the eyes of my two
their club. I tell them this:
Zjebie and a second look, a bird!
looked at the moon, while I
I made that each of them has been złamasem.
boards have spent, so he was going, I meet a great
, zjebanego hedgehog.
I had a way which is not worth mentioning,
In any event, the floor wiped hedgehog.
Basin is deeper into the abyss, Where reign
forgotten by the world of tyrants.
this way, the prologue ends,
But, certainly, not the entire monologue.
On the subject of the story yet I know a lot of content,
So it's not the end of this whole story ...


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