Thursday, January 15, 2009

How Many Holes Does A Woman Have

Namie Girl Power or a few words about women's subcultures

ideal of beauty, which for centuries was the quintessence of coal-black hair, red lips and porcelain skin, goes into oblivion. Young girls rebel against the natural appearance. They try to escape from the uniforms, which are applicable in Japanese schools and start to look like ... American.

do not know exactly what lies at the root as my sub
ultury Ganguro . It is known that this is a trend in teen fashion existing from about the mid-nineties. Its center are two districts of Tokyo - Shibuya and Ikebukuro . The basis of the image are Ganguro bleach hair, which at the Asian women do not take the blond color, but brown-red. Lighten hair is chapatsu . It is vital Solarium - heavily tanned skin is the basis of the image. Another determinant is the eyes, a variety of cosmetic treatments which are optically magnified. Are needed platform shoes, miniskirts and colorful clothes in bright hues, as well as a multitude of beads, bracelets, earrings, rings and flowers in her hair. Dominated by plastic, neon kolory i krzy

Skrajną wersją wizerunku jest yamamba - tutaj słowo "umiar" nie istnieje. Yamamby farbują włosy na jeszcze jaśniejszy, platynowy odcień i opalają się na skrajnie ciemny brąz. Stosują jeszcze więcej trik powiększający oko - malują górne powieki jasnymi, pastelowymi
cieniami, dolną krawędź obficie zaznaczając na biało. Czasami naklejają sobie także świecące diamenciki, by połyskujące światło dodało blasku i powiększyło eye. There are also huge false eyelashes and pale blue contact lenses. For the crowning image of the white lipstick on her lips.

Yamamba and Ganguro is not only the appearance, although this attracts the most attention. Girls from subcultures have developed their own language - a mixture of modified Japanese with English words. The written word using Latin letters and punctuation. They employ a large number of diminutives and abbreviations.

gadget is an indispensable cell phone - young Japanese decorate their cells sticker-photos ( purikura )
performed in the special machines. Ganguro gals (ie, Ganguro girls) have their own magazines, such as "Egg " - with practical advice on makeup, stylized images of girls polls about what trends and what is not, guides to shoes, accessories and a variety of cells, which are currently are on top. If you want to dance go to special clubs where dance Para-Para . Para-Para is a system of movements tailored to a particular song that everyone present at the club dances in the same way. Mastering all the movements is not simple, and if someone manages to get to perfection, can take pride of place on a platform from which everyone sees it.

is also worth mentioning in this article about Kogal - the Polish language can be translated as a little girl. Characterized by its own refined music taste, modowym. Very often hold rallies, which attracts August Kogals from all over Japan. They say specific slang, invented for the purposes of that subculture. Diagnosis Kogals on the street is very simple. They wear shoes commonly called "japonkami heels, mini, can not do without a few wartw makeup, need to be blond hair, fake tan and a variety of dizajnerskie gadgets, such as handbags, earrings, rings and other weight.

free time to spend on shoppingach (mostly to the famous Japanese Shibuya ). It is in the best malls in the kogals encounter, which are always accompanied by their girlfriends, or others like themselves. During the summer and sit on Japanese beaches, soaking up the sun.

broad subculture is criticized by the majority of Japanese society. People point out the materialistic approach to life, who prefer Kogals and simply the fact that Kogals do not bring anything useful, but quite the opposite - harm Japan.

Why harm? - Kogals main income is sponsorship, prostitution and the presence of adult films, so we are fighting for a long time in - service translates English Shinyuji Yamaoshi . Kogals subculture was (as Ganguro) in the nineties of last century. Same Kogals claim that their inspiration is the California girl.

Adolescent man to have a sense of personal identity he wants to explore and choose values. His sharp criticism of inconsistencies and errors sees the adult world. This results in often isolated from their families: fades existing trust and closeness, there is distrust and distance. Loneliness, which is experiencing is all the more endearing, that it is also a clear sense of self mental and moral weakness . In a situation of uncertainty and loss of young people need the support of the person who would not be a threat to its autonomy. reference group then becomes an automatic small peer group. Young man is here not only values, norms and patterns of behavior governing his life, but is also place. Belonging to a group not only meets the needs of mental health, but by playing specific roles enables individuals to form in the activity, independence, accountability and the ability to interact and live with others. Therefore, every young person needs a group that would enable him to carry out the needs of belonging, acceptance and recognition - looking so. authentic group.

subculture (or subculture), a youth can be broadly defined as "certain patterns, standards and procedures in force in a social group that forms part of the community are different from the existing general public." With this definition shows that the community can create a and have multiple subcultures associated with the particular social class, profession, or established moral standards. The functioning of such groups to supplement and enrich the set of values \u200b\u200bof the social system. In communities of also created the social subculture, which determine the behavior of young people in anti-social or antisocial, which means that they can be classified as socially pathological behavior. Youth subculture an expression of youth behavior , indicate the current needs of young people in the field of behavior, fashion, music genres ( Jedrzejewski 1999, p. 20).

youth subcultures is primarily a kind of culture movement, spontaneity in the way of experiencing reality. Regularity in the process of its functioning and its adaptation to the environment is create spontaneous, informal local groups that serve different types of satisfying human needs. Such accuracy can be particularly noted in the formation of informal groups of young people in the community where peer influence is gradually replacing his family and school environment in shaping behavior and attitudes of its members. But not every informal group may be referred to the concept of subculture, subculture, counterculture, alternative community or group kontestacyjnej.

Memberships subcultures is a form of escape from the loneliness , the complex problems of reality and is an expression of protest and nonconformity teenagers to officially existing values \u200b\u200band practices. Criticism and uncompromising attitude towards the world of adult kontestacyjnych favors the formation of attitudes and is a reaction to all forms of injustice.

This phenomenon shows that the processes occurring in humans are very similar, regardless of race, color, kontynentu na którym żyją...Wszyscy młodzi ludzie szukają sposobu na wyrażenie i akceptacji...


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